Am I the only one happy to see 2016 go? Good riddance to the rubbish that was this year because I am completely over it. While there are serious reasons why 2016 sucked on a larger scale, you know, like the orange cheeto inciting an insane amount of hate and mysogyny…or losing Prince, which by the way I am still not over, but I digress. Here are the reasons why 2016 totally sucked:
My Instagram Crushed Ruined Everything: Okay, he didn’t ruin everything in real life, just in the fantasy I created of him and our future children in my head. How did he ruin it all, you ask? He never asked me out! I am so over time wasters, and flirters with no follow through, so goodbye Instagram crush. I am leaving you behind in 2016. I will not delete you from my feed because then you’d know that you actually bothered me, and also, I need you to be able to see my fabulousness on a daily bases.
2016 taught me how to value my time, and myself as a whole. I am completely worthy of a man that will see how dope I am from the get-go, not leave me wondering how he feels, not flirt with me just to feed his ego, and who will ask me out on a proper date. You deserve that too you know. If he/she has left you guessing about how they feel, or does not make you a priority, please leave them in 2016. You are worthy of all the love you allow yourself to experience. Continue reading →
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