My Pitch Was Rejected, Here’s What I Did Next

An executive at major entertainment company recently passed on my pitch for a television script. He stated he loved the comedy and my pitch, but that I should’ve hidden the fact that my lead character didn’t have her life together. His opinion made me look at how women are represented in media, and how I as a writer/blogger/screenwriter add to that. When you look at television shows like, “The big Bang Theory”, “Entourage”, ”How I Met Your Mother”, and pretty much most of the shows starring men who were apart of other insanely successful shows; for instance Kevin James and Matt LeBlanc have both recently found renewed success in their new tv roles. These shows and many more are male driven representations of sexuality, fatherhood, married life and work relationships, where the lead protagonists do not have their shit together.

All of these shows are well written/acted, funny in their own right, and feature common tropes about the bumbling father who after getting married, and having kids, all of a sudden has no idea how to raise their middle school aged-children…comedy ensues. Or the single group of guys partying their way around the globe and having an insane amount of amazing sex with some of the most beautiful women you’ve ever seen, but in all other aspects of their lives are unable to also get their shit together…comedy and hot sex scenes ensue. Then there are the nice guys who seemingly have their professional lives together, working for a museum, accounting firm etc, but cannot for the life of them find a woman to settle down with…hilarious dating scenarios, comedy, awkward sex scenes ensue.

These are of course just a few examples, and there are women centered television shows that have the same tropes in them, which are just as hilarious-if not more-than their male counterparts. Shows like ‘Two Broke Girls’ and ‘Insecure’ show women as hilarious, flawed, and complex. The women on these shows and included in the shows from the examples above add so much to the screen that they are literally changing the way women are viewed by not just men, but other women. Seeing smart, beautiful, female scientists on ‘The Big Bang Theory’ makes me happy. Knowing the Issa Rae has shined a huge spotlight on black work relationships, love and sex in a funny and relatable way literally fills me with hope. Continue reading

4 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Give Up On Your Dreams

We are told we can be anything, do anything and can have it all if we just try hard enough, but what if trying hard enough still isn’t enough? What do you do when you have given it your all and still cannot achieve the dream and goals you have set for yourself? We’ve all been there. Life is kicking you in the ass and you’re worried about making rent this month, or wondering how you’re going to pay your student loan payment and still have money for groceries. Or you’re not getting auditions, job interviews, making enough money etc. It seems like everything you try you fail at, or it ends up going left when you’re desperately trying to go right. Is there ever a time when you should just say, fu*k it, and give up…maybe, but here are four reasons why you shouldn’t. Continue reading

To Live & Date in LA Nominations

To Live & Date in LA has received 4 nominations in the 2016 LAWebfest including: Outstanding Writing in a Comedy, Outstanding Lead Actress, and Outstanding Guest Actor for Mark Ehrenstein in Episode 4, Season 1 “Are We Sluts?” I received both nominations for Outstanding Writing and Acting. I am so proud that my hard work is being recognized, and the wonderful talent of the cast. Make sure to watch all of the amazing To Live & Date in LA episodes, and thanks for your support!

xo Jonesie

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To Live & Date in LA: Media & Press

Click to read the BlackTalentTV review of To Live & Date in LA!

A new web series is joining the Black Talent TV family and it’s one centered on dating in a specific location. Created, written, edited, and produced by Cassia Jones(who also plays the main character), To Live & Date in L.A. focuses on Jonesie, a 30yr old woman is in a rocky, but what she feels is a lasting relationship, until they move in together and everything starts to take a turn for the worse. Her boyfriend ignores her, spending more time on his computer then with her, and they constantly argue. When her dumps her in an unusual way, she looks to her two best friends for guidance. Read More…


WomenFashFilm Festival Nominated Series

Click to view To Live & Date in LA’s WomenFashFilm Festival Nomination!


To Live & Date in LA: Behind the Scenes

Dating Red Flags You Shouldn’t Ignore


When you are driving in your car and you see a yellow light in the intersection you are about to cross do you speed up to make it through, or do you slow down because you know the red light is going to flash soon? When you are crossing the street and the crosswalk signal has 5 more seconds to go on the countdown do you dart out in the street making a run for it, or wait because you know you won’t make it across in time and don’t want to risk it? As for myself I wait for the crosswalk and may speed up at the yellow, but if you are that risk taker then this post is for you.


Recently my friend got into a relationship with someone very quickly. I put relationship in quotes because I don’t think you can call it a relationship after two weeks, but I digress. She immediately is smitten and spends all of her free time with him, and they even make comments about living together and how they would raise their kids.
In the meantime, he had a girl living with him that he referred to as his ex-girlfriend who is his roommate because she owes him money, and has no family here, and he can’t throw her out on the street.

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