I have heard the following statement come out of mine or my friends mouth, “It’s too hard to meet a good guy.” a million times. So much that I literally would be a millionaire if I got a quarter handed to me every time we said it. But I can’t help but wonder…is it really hard to meet a “Good Guy” or just a hell of a lot easier to meet a bad one. First off lets set the guidelines for what makes someone a “Good Guy” and what makes someone a “Bad Guy”.
In my opinion a “Good Guy” is a man that is kind, respectful, confident, and there for me when I need him…Okay and yes has a job, his own place, wants to get married and preferably have 2.5 kids! And what constitutes someone being a “Bad Guy”? The bad guy exudes confidence in an obnoxious way, is disrespectful, a liar, cheater and completely undependable.
The problem with the Bad Guy, is that this is the man that most of us end up attracted to although we say he is everything we don’t want. Suddenly we meet him and he becomes everything we never knew we wanted! So what he only texts instead of calls…he’s busy right? So what he has not introduced you to his friends or family…he’s just waiting for the right time.
So what he parties with his boys every weekend in the club and comes home drunk, texts you, and asks you to come over…he had obviously been thinking about you all night while he was grinding on those other girls and popping bottles of Champagne and THAT’S why he chose to text you at 3am to come over right? So what he says he never wants to get married and have kids even though you KNOW you do…he will change his mind for you right?
The Good Guy is dependable, kind, there for you when you need him, and the one who will share your life goals and dreams. He is the guy you will not have to question whether he likes you, loves you, or wants you because he will show you, and tell you.
Sometimes, we put up huge walls because on some level we want the drama that the Bad Guy brings because Good Guy has no soap-opera drama in his life so we think he is boring. Sometimes we put up huge walls because we think we have to find this perfect man that is going to fulfill us and love us how we KNOW we are supposed to be loved.
Maybe, we put up walls because we are waiting for the Good Guy who can see past them. The one who will stick around and not run away the minute things get rocky, the one who will truly recognize all you have to offer, the one who will not let you go that easily, the one who will see that the wall you have up has been carefully crafted brick by brick painstakingly made around your heart to protect it.
Have you ever dated a “Bad Boy?” Sound off below in the comment section! Thanks for reading!