This one time last summer the guy I was dating at the time asked me to participate in a threesome. This wasn’t the first time he asked, but it became the last. Men seem to have this idea – I blame porn- that all women are okay sleeping with each other just to please them, or turn them on, even if they are not lesbians. It doesn’t help that almost every television show, music video or film has if not a reference to girl-on-girl action, the requisite drunk girls making out with each other in a club while the men around them watch with glee. And although I had never given Mr. I want it All any inclination or reasons to believe this is something I would do, he automatically assumed I would. So, I bet you’re wondering how he asked me? This is pretty much how the conversation went down…
I never changed my mind, and I was, and am not in fact scared. I stopped seeing him soon after. Our relationship had always been casual, so I was not hurt by his question, but offended when he kept putting that constant request in after I said no. He literally made it his personal mission to “convert me” into someone I’m not, doing something I would never want to do. This is not the first time this request or assumption has come up in my dating history.